Data Center Solutions Provider Cavern Technologies Expands Kansas City Data Center

December 7, 2012
Data Center Solutions Provider Cavern Technologies Expands Kansas City Data Center
Data center solutions provider Cavern Technologies has expanded its Kansas City data center. The expansion is an extension of the company’s policy of rapid growth, with the company doubling the size of its highly secure, energy efficient underground Energy Star data center in Lenexa, Kansas in past twelve months. The capacity of the center now stands at 60,000 square feet and it caters for 67 clients. Being underground, the center has many advantages as far as cooling requirements and security are concerned.

Cavern’s SAS 70, SSAE 16 certified data center offers a range of high-end services and options. These include fully redundant UPS and generators, dual power feeds, dedicated support space, high capacity and fully redundant HVAC system, FM 200 fire suppression, face recognition, biometrics, card scanners and video surveillance security, multiple redundant fiber providers, and year-round access.

Cavern is recognized as a leader in mission critical data center solutions provision. The company employs world-class architects, contractors, and IT professionals to provide its customers with custom and scalable solutions that meet precise specifications. As an underground facility, its center offers absolute security against natural disasters such as tornados and hurricanes. “Cavern is incredibly proud of our most recent build,” explained John Clune, President of Cavern. “The custom space, like the rest of our data suites, was designed to meet customers’ unique requirements and their strategic operating objectives, guaranteeing the greatest ROI on their data center infrastructure.”

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